Follett Discover is a comprehensive set of tools enabling hassle-free access for instructors and students to all course materials. Instructors can use their tool to research, discover and adopt course materials with ease - while students are better prepared for class by having easy access to purchase and manage their course materials quickly and effectively.Accessing
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Faculty Benefits
Follett Discover Adopt makes it easy for instructors to find the right content by providing recommendations to evaluate and adopt. Using Blackboard, instructors receive personalized information for the courses they teach. After selecting their desired materials, instructors can seamlessly send adoptions to the campus store. Faculty can search, view recommendations and adopt traditional and nontraditional materials, including YouTube videos, open educational resources (OER) and massive open online course (MOOC) content. Faculty are also able to easily view related course materials, including what other faculty are using, readopt previously used materials, read and respond to peer reviews, and create custom content for students, through XanEdu's course pack tool.
To learn more, view the Faculty Video Tutorial.
Student Benefits
Preparing students for life after college starts by preparing them to succeed during college, and Follett Discover does exactly that. Follett Discover provides students with required course materials and the ability to easily acquire them. No matter where students are, they have the option of buying or renting their materials and choosing either new, used or digital edition formats.
into PirateNet using your Seton Hall username and password.
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