When connecting to Wi-Fi while in the residence halls on the South Orange campus, the network you connect to choose will be determined by based on the type of device you are trying to connect:
The primary wireless network in residence halls for smart/gaming devices is “shurhnet” network. However, if you have connected your device to the “shurhnet” wireless network and notice a feature of the device or game does not work, please submit a support ticket with a summary of your issue:.
For example:
”I connected my Smart TV but I cannot connect to <insert streaming service>.”
”I connected my Sony PlayStation but when I play <insert game here>, I cannot communicate with my friends on my headset.”
“The online leaderboard in <insert game here> does not load when connected to ‘shurhnet’ network.”
Approval to connect to the “shurhgame” network is required. If approved, you will be contact contacted by an IT staff member and provided with the necessary login credentials.