Blackboard Ally is a tool to help make course content more accessible. You can choose alternative formats to view course files - such as HTML for easy viewing in a browser or mobile device, ePub for reading as an e-book, electronic braille, audio for mp3 listening and more.
To see the different formats available, select the down arrow (menu) next to the file and choose Alternative format.
Get more familiar with downloading alternative formats directly from your course, watch the Blackboard Help video below.
The following provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript.Ally creates alternative files that are easier to use by all students. Ally works within your online course so it's available right where you need it.
Alternative files include readable text for screen readers, pictures with captions, and easy-to-navigate content. Ally creates multiple alternatives from the original documents in your course. You can download these alternative formats anywhere that files are used.