Connect a Personal PC to the Seton Hall Domain

Connect a Personal PC to the Seton Hall Domain

In order to connect a Windows PC to a domain, the version of Windows must be either Professional or Enterprise. The Home version of Windows does not offer domain functionality.

By connecting to the Seton Hall domain, the device will create a second profile for the Seton Hall account. If the device is disconnected from the domain, the original local profile will be unaffected. Documents stored in one profile may not be able to viewed by other profile.

  1. In the search box, type control panel, and then select Control Panel.

  2. Within the Control Panel, in the upper right-hand corner will be a View by: menu with options of Category, Large icons or Small icons. Please choose the option of either Large icons or Small icons.

  3. Select System.

  4. In middle of System control panel it will outline the computer’s name, select the Change settings button.

  5. In the System Properties screen, select the Change … button.

  6. On the Computer Name/Domain Changes screen.

    1. Select Domain 

    2. In box type in shu.edu

    3. Select OK button

  7. The system will them prompt for credentials to add the device to the domain.

    1. For username enter your SHU eight-character username and password.

    2. Then select the OK button

  8. After several seconds the machine will prompt that the device was successfully added to the SHU.edu domain. Select the OK button

  9. You will be then advised that for the change to take effect you must reboot the device. Select OK.

  10. Back on the Computer Name/Domain Changes screen it will again indicate that changes will occur after you restart.  Select the Close button.

  11. You will then be asked when you wish to restart computer.

  12. Save any documents you are actively editing, close all your programs and then select the Restart Now button to reboot device.

  13. When device reboots select Other User, enter your SHU eight-character username and password.