Sign in and Get Started with Teams

Sign in and Get Started with Teams

Launch Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is an application where people can collaborate, hold meetings, and share files. It supports private and group conversations, and synchronous virtual classes can also be conducted using Microsoft Teams.

Follow these steps to launch Microsoft Teams:


  1. Select the Start menu. Then, type “Teams” and choose Microsoft Teams (work or school).


  1. From the Finder (aka desktop background), navigate to the Go menu and select Applications.

  2. Double-click on the Microsoft Teams icon.

  1. Install the mobile application on your mobile device by searching for “Microsoft Teams” in Apple’s App Store or Google Play Store.

  2. Once downloaded, tap the Teams icon on your mobile device to launch the application.

  1. Enter https://teams.microsoft.com into your web browser.
    View information about supported browsers for Teams on the web.

Sign into Microsoft Teams

Once the Microsoft Teams has launched, you will be prompted to sign into a Microsoft account.

  1. Enter your <username>@shu.edu, then select the Next button. For example, if your name is Mary Smith and your username is "smithmar", you will enter "smithmar@shu.edu."

  2. You will be asked to specify if the account is a Work or school account or a Personal account. Select Work or school account.

    1. workschool_personal.png


  3. The Seton Hall login screen will appear. Enter your eight-character username and network password. Then, click the Sign in button. You may be prompted to authenticate via Duo Two-Factor Authentication.

    Seton Hall Login Screen.png

Pick a Team and Channel

A team is a collection of people, conversations, files, and tools — all in one place. A channel is a discussion within a team, dedicated to a department, project, or topic.

The best way to get familiar with teams and channels is to pick a team and channel and start exploring!

  1. Select the Teams icon from the left-hand navigation menu, then choose a team.

  2. Select a channel and explore the Conversations, Files, and other tabs under your Team name at the top of the screen. For more info, see Teams and channels.


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