Creating your First Echo360 Personal Capture Recording
Echo360's Active Learning Platform, is the University's enterprise tool for lecture capture. It also allows instructors to create and upload content – before or during class – and students to access it anytime, anywhere, from any device.
Log in to Blackboard.
Open the Course page of the course that you would like to use Echo360 in. You will need to do this for each course that you want to link to Echo360.
Click on the Add a New Menu Item (Plus sign) and select Tool Link.
The Add Tool Link will appear. In the Name field, type Echo360 Recordings.
Select Echo360 Recordings from the Type List.
Select the box for Available to Users and click Submit.
The tool link will appear at the bottom of the left-hand navigation menu in your Blackboard course.
Download the software
Click on the Echo360 Recording course tool link you just created to launch the Echo360 Dashboard. If you receive a prompt to enter your email address, enter your SHU email address in the format of Click Submit. You may also be prompted to read a privacy statement and click Close once you are finished reading it. You should now be signed in to Echo360.
Select the Gear icon in the upper right-hand corner and then choose Downloads. On the page illustrated below, click either the Windows Download or Mac Download link from the Universal Capture: Personal section. When the file finishes downloading, click on it to run.
Creating your First Recording
Universal Capture has been designed with an easy-to-use interface, allowing you to create recording or impromptu lecture to supplement your in-class materials.
Launch Universal Capture software
You will be prompted to enter in your Seton Hall email address. Enter your email address. On the next screen enter in your PirateNet credentials to log in.
Click Open Echo360 Capture.
Select the inputs you want to capture:
Audio is always required.
You can select to capture display and video, two display inputs, or two video inputs in addition to audio. Universal Capture will initially preselect inputs for you based on any available devices and then remember the last inputs chosen.Preview the inputs on the screen to ensure they will record properly.
Click the pencil icon or title to launch the Capture Details dialog box. Enter a Title, add a Description or Tags and select a Publishing location for the recording if desired. Otherwise, the following default information will be used:
Title: UntitledDescription: Blank
Tags: Blank
Publish Location: Library
Your Library is the default publishing location when first using Universal Capture, afterwards it will remember the last Publishing location chosen.
Click Record. A countdown appears after which the Universal Capture window minimizes and the capture begins.
When you are done, click Finish.
The recording is completed and finishes uploading to the Echo360 server to complete processing.
Add Video to a Course
Login to Blackboard
Go to the course you created the Echo360 Recording Link in.
Click on the Echo360 Recording Link from the course menu
Click on the Echo Logo in the top left corner to launch your Home Page.
Click on My Content
Click the menu button for a content tile and select Share
Click the Class tab
Use the course drop-down list at the top of the modal to select the course where you want to share this media.
Use the term and section drop-down lists (which become active after selecting a course) to select the term and section where you want to share the media.
Select New Class
Enter a Name for the video
When finished, scroll to the bottom of the Sharing modal and click Share.