Organize Your PirateNet Dashboard

Your PirateNet dashboard is your gateway to the suite of applications and services made available through the University. Users can increase productivity and simplify their dashboard navigation by sorting, rearranging and grouping apps in custom sections. To get started, log into PirateNet using your Seton Hall username and password.

Options to Organize Your Dashboard

Change Your Dashboard Layout

  1. In the top right corner of your dashboard, click on the dropdown menu under your name.

  2. Click on the Preferences option.

  3. Toggle the Recently Used button on. When you launch apps, your recently used apps will now be pinned to the top of your dashboard.


  4. Under preferences, you can also change the layout of your dashboard from a grid view to a list view.

Sort Your PirateNet Apps

  1. Click the Sort dropdown menu.

  2. Select your preference from the sorting options, including ascending by name, descending by name, and last added.

Create Custom Sections

  1. On the left-hand navigation, click the Add Section plus sign under the My Apps navigational section.


  2. Enter a name for your custom section, then click Save. You can add up to five custom sections.

  3. Once you’ve created your custom section(s), you can begin to group your apps.

    • Drag and drop chiclets directly into your newly added section.


    • Or, drag and drop the chiclets into the section labels on your left-hand menu.


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