Import, Export and Copy Course Content

Import, Export and Copy Course Content

The Course Import Tool makes it easy to extract course content, assignments, and quizzes from previous terms and quickly import them into existing courses.

Reusing and Importing Course Content

When importing, exporting or copying content into a course, there are some settings you may have to modify or specific choices that could save you time when prepping your course for the next term.

  • Select Specific Content to Import: When importing course content with the Course Import Tool, you can choose to select specific content areas such as assignments, settings, and files, without importing the entire course. 

  • Modify Due Dates and Availability Dates: When you import one course into another, there is an option to modify the due dates and availability dates all at one time during the import process.

  • Remove Old Calendar Events: If you copy over all content, you may find that some unneeded Calendar events copy to your new course site. You can easily clean out these events by navigating to the Calendar tool, finding and deleting the event(s). 

  • Exporting Grades from the Gradebook: You can export scores from the Gradebook and download them to your computer as a CSV file.