Your Blackboard course should automatically be paired with Echo360. You will notice an Echo360 Recordings module in the Navigation Content area. Simply click this Tool link to activate Echo360 for your course.
If you do not see this Tool Link, or have accidentally deleted it, you may add it back by completing the following steps:
Sign into your Blackboard course , and create a new content area Tool Link for the left navigation area by selecting the white plus in column by clicking the blue box with the white “+” at the top left of the navigation area.
Name the new content area “Echo360 Recordings”, and select the checkbox ‘Available to Users’
Select the newly created “Echo360 Recordings” in the left navigation menu
then select Echo360 from the Tools pull-down menu
Enter a name for the link to the Echo360 recordings – “Class Recordings” is suggested
Select the Submit button to create this item.
Once the item is created, click on the name to open it.
From the pull-down menus, select your Course, the current Term, and Section.
Select the “Link to the Section Home” to link to all of your published recordings for a class.
The “Link to a Classroom” option will allow you to link to one specific recording.
Select the “Link Content” button to continue.
Select the Tool Link option.
Assign a name to the new Tool Link, choose “Echo360 Recordings” as the Type, and check off the box to make it available to all users. Click Submit.
It will appear in your Navigation Course Menu, and you may move it anywhere within the menu.
Your Blackboard course is now linked to its associated Echo360 course! Select the ‘Library’ link to view your existing recordings, or select the home icon ( ) to return to your Blackboard course.
Within Echo360, the Library shows you all of your uploaded recordings, and any recordings that have been shared with you.
By clicking on one of the tiles in your Library, you will be able to play back a recording, publish it to a class, or share a link to the recording with anyone.