Echo360 Lecture Capture

Echo360 Lecture Capture enables instructors to record instructional content on their own computer or in their classroom. Students are then able to view the recording from within Blackboard. This provides students with a powerful tool to review content, access supplemental material or receive instruction that is web-based.

There are two ways you can make lecture captures; classroom capture and personal capture.

Classrooms with Echo360 Lecture Capture

Arts and Sciences 107

Arts and Sciences 109

Jubilee Hall Auditorium

McNulty Amphitheater

Stafford Hall 109

Stafford Hall 111

Walsh Library, 154, Learning Studio


Auditorium 1118

Activities of Daily Living 1214

Interventions Lab 1217

Divisible Learning Studios 1314, 1316, 1315, 1317, 2314, 2316

Par Task Training Rooms 2216, 2219

24 Seat Classroom 2440

Anatomy Learning Studio 2693

Dual Divisible Learning Studio 3415, 3417

Dual Divisible Classroom 3515, 3517, 3519, 3521

Human Movement Lab 1213, 1215

Rehabilitation Lab 1216

Exercise Lab 1218

8 Bay Skills Lab 2213, 2215, 2217

10 Bay Skills Lab 2313, 2315, 2317

Gross Anatomy Lab 2673

Quad Divisible Classroom 3414, 3416, 3418, 3420

Learning Studio 3419

Pediatrics Lab 3522

If you prefer to start with a more high-level or visual overview, visit our Getting Instructors Started with Echo360 self-paced tutorial. It covers the basic functionality, common tasks, and contains videos and click-through pages that discuss the Echo360 interface and many of the same tasks as those linked below.

Introduction and Overview

Main menu navigation

Library navigation

Managing your media

Courses page

Class List

Videos and presentations in a class

Interactive media in a class

More to courses than just classes

Creating, Uploading, and Editing Media

Creating Video with desktop Universal Capture

Uploading media

Uploading videos from your mobile device through the Echo360 App

Creating Interactive Media (embedding polls into a video)

Editing a video

Editing a video's transcript

Sharing and Embedding Media

Embedding a video into your LMS/VLE

Creating a link to your video to share

Adding a video to an Echo360 course

Adding interactive media to an Echo360 course

Course & Media Viewing Data

Course Analytics
(student viewing and engagement data for Echo360 course-published media)

Viewing Media Analytics
(who is viewing your media, from where, and for how long?)

Using Echo360 with your LMS/VLE

Using Echo360 with Canvas

Using Echo360 with Blackboard

Livestreaming and Conferencing Tool Integrations

Livestreaming Video

Creating classes and videos from Zoom

Importing media from OneDrive

Using Echo360 with MS Teams

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