Phishing scams are designed to trick you into revealing sensitive personal information (e.g. passwords, credit card numbers, Social Security Number), which in turn can be used for fraud or identity theft. Phishing attacks are becoming increasingly more sophisticated which makes it challenging to discern truth from deception in our emails, text messages and phone calls.
To help keep you and the entire University community safe, the Department of Information Technology has enabled the “Report Phish” feature in all Outlook clients (desktop, web, mobile device). If you recognize that an email sent to you is a phishing email, report it!
Report Phish on Outlook for Windows
Double-click the email in the Inbox panel to open it.
On the right-side of your toolbar ribbon, click on the Report Phishing button to automatically send the email to Seton Hall’s IT Security team for further investigation.
Report Phish on Mobile Outlook
Tap the email in the Inbox panel to open it.
Tap the ellipsis (three horizontal dots) located on the same line as the sender/recipient information.
On the top row of the options menu, tap the Report Phishing button.
Report Phish on Outlook on the Web
Double-click the email in the Inbox panel to open it.
Click on the Report down arrow, located below or next to the red shield icon.
Click on the Report Phishing option from the dropdown menu.