Enable QR Code Print Job Release

Users have the ability to monitor their print job queue, modify job details, and release print jobs from their mobile devices. The QR code print job release option streamlines the printing process, allowing users to simply scan a QR code affixed to the printer to instantly authorize and release print jobs. This user-friendly mobile option enhances efficiency and bolsters security by ensuring that documents are retrieved only by their rightful owner.

Activate Your Mobile Device

  1. Send documents to print.

  2. Click on the up-arrow icon on your taskbar to display your hidden icons menu.

    Red box around the up arrow icon on a Windows taskbar, with a pop-up display that says Show hidden icons.


  3. Select the Pharos Printer Icon from the hidden icons menu.

    Red box around the Pharos Printer Icon.


  4. Right click on the Pharos Printer Icon and select Show Setup Guide.

    Red box around the Show Setup Guide option on the context menu.


  5. Choose Mobile from the release methods options.

    Sentry Print release methods screen with three tiles for release options that include mobile, proximity card, and keyboard login.


  6. On the Mobile Setup Guide screen, click Start.

  7. On the Print Test Page screen, click Print Test Page.

  8. When the print settings dialog box appears, be sure to set your printer to BluePrint. Then, click Print.

  9. A confirmation screen will appear indicating that your document is now in your BluePrint queue. Click Next to activate your mobile device.

  10. On your mobile device, download the Pharos Secure Release app on the App Store or Google Play.

  11. Once downloaded, open the app and click the Scan button. Using the app’s scan feature, scan the QR code on the Activate your Mobile Device screen of the Mobile Setup Guide.


  12. In the Pharos Secure Release app, you will now be able to see and manage your BluePrint queue. Select the Print All button to print all pending print jobs, or click Review Print Jobs to select the print job(s) you’d like to release. Then, click the Print button.

  13. Go to the device where you’d like to print your job.

  14. At the printer, scan the QR code affixed to the printer to instantly authorize and release the print job.

Once you’ve complete the mobile setup process, you will be able to manage and release your future print jobs using the Pharos Secure Release app.


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