Manage OneDrive Files and Folders

Manage OneDrive Files and Folders

Share OneDrive Files and Folders

Files stored in your OneDrive – Seton Hall University account are private by default. However, you can share files and folders with others for collaboration or viewing. Follow the instructions below to share content in OneDrive, adjust permissions, and manage access to ensure secure file sharing.

  1. Open File Explorer and navigate to the file or folder you want to share.

  2. Select the item, then click the Share icon (a square with an upward arrow) in the toolbar.

    Share Icon  - square with an upward arrow - located in the file explorer toolbar.
  3. If the file is already open, click the Share button located in the top-right corner of the window.

If you are working on your desktop and the file hasn’t been saved to OneDrive or SharePoint, you will be prompted to select a location to upload your file before sharing. Select your OneDrive - Seton Hall University.

  1. Click the gear icon next to Copy link to select an access level:

    • Anyone: Allows anyone with the link to access the file. No sign-in required.

    • People in Seton Hall University: Limits access to users with a university email address.

    • Only people with existing access: Shares the link with users who already have permission.

    • Specific people: Grants access only to individuals you specify by name or email.

  2. Under More settings, select the appropriate permission level:

    • Can edit: Allows full editing and collaboration.

    • Can view: Read-only access with no editing capabilities.

    • Can’t download: Read-only access and prevents users from downloading the file.

  3. If applicable, set an expiration date for the shared link. If no date is set, the expiration will follow Seton Hall University's security policies.

  4. Click Apply.

    Link settings window when generating a sharing link in OneDrive or SharePoint.,
  5. Enter the email addresses of the individuals you wish to share with.

  6. Add an optional message, then click Send to share the link via email.

  7. Alternatively, click Copy Link to manually share the link via email, Teams, or another platform.

    Red box around the copy link button on the share window.

Back Up Important Folders

You can back up your important folders, such as the Desktop, Documents, Music, Pictures, and Video folders on your Windows PC, with OneDrive PC folder backup. By backing up these folders to your OneDrive, they're protected and available across all your other devices.

  1. Select the up arrow on your task bar, located by your clock. Then, select the blue cloud icon.

  2. Select the setting icon (gear), then Settings.

  3. On the Sync and Backup tab, click the Manage backup button.

  4. Select the folders that you would like to backup, then click the Start backup button. If folders are already synced, you will not have to initiate a backup sync.

Delete OneDrive Files or Folders

You can delete specific files or photos on Microsoft OneDrive, or you can delete entire folders and all the items in them.

  1. Sign into PirateNet, then click on the Microsoft Office 365 OneDrive chicklet.

  2. Once in your OneDrive account, select the checkbox of the file(s) or folder(s) that you want to delete.

  3. Click on the Delete icon on the top navigation, which will appear once items have been selected..


Restore OneDrive Files or Folders

If you accidentally delete a file or folder in OneDrive, you may be able to recover it later from the OneDrive recycle bin.  Note, items in the recycle bin are automatically deleted after 93 days.

  1. Sign into PirateNet, then click on the Microsoft Office 365 OneDrive chicklet.

  2. Once in your OneDrive account, select Recycle bin in the right-hand navigation pane.

  3. Select the checkbox of the file(s) or folder(s) that you want to restore.

  4. Click on the Restore icon on the top navigation.

Save OneDrive Files or Folders to an External Drive

If you are graduating or planning to leave the University, you will lose access to OneDrive once your Seton Hall account has expired.  As such, you may want to retain your OneDrive files on an external drive.

  1. Sign into PirateNet, then click on the Microsoft Office 365 OneDrive chicklet.

  2. Once in your OneDrive account, select the checkbox of the file(s) or folder(s) that you want to save.

  3. Click on the Download icon on the top navigation.

  4. If your browser prompts you, choose Save or Save As and browse to the location where you want to save the download. Note, some browsers just start saving right away to the Downloads folder on your computer and you will need to move the files/folders to your chosen location once the download has been completed.

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