Manage Authorized Users for a Shared Mailbox

When updating the authorized users list of a shared mailbox, it is important to note that only the owner of the mailbox may add/remove authorized users. Each shared mailbox can only have one owner.

  1. Open Outlook.

  2. In your Outlook toolbar, click on Find, then select Address Book from the drop-down menu.

  3. In the Address Book pop-up window, choose Global Address List from the Address Book drop-down menu in the Address Book field (not Offline Global Address List).

  4. Select the Advanced Find link.

  5. In the Find dialog box, enter the mailbox name without in the Alias field. For example, to update the mailbox, enter “Technology” into the Alias field.

  6. Click the OK button.

  7. From the search results, double-click on the entry that displays as <mailbox>_ACL to view the list of individuals who currently have access.

  8. Double click the <mailbox>_ACL entry to view the list of individuals who currently have access.

  9. To add/remove authorized user(s) of the mailbox, select the Modify Members… button.

    • You can remove a user by selecting his/her name and choosing Remove.

    • You can add a user by choosing Add.... Then, use the search box to locate and select the name of the new user. Click OK to add your selection as a member of the mailbox.