Exchange ActiveSync Email Authentication and Third Party Email Clients

Exchange ActiveSync Email Authentication and Third Party Email Clients

As of October 2022 Microsoft, the University provider for email has turned off basic authentication for email clients.

Any client (user app, script, integration, etc.) using basic authentication for an affected protocol will be unable to connect to Exchange Online. Users will receive an HTTP 401 error: bad username or password.

Any app using modern authentication for these protocols will be unaffected. Most modern email clients, including Apple Mail on iOS will work with modern authentication.

Outlook for desktop and Outlook mobile are unaffected by this change.

Users experiencing issues with Apple Mail on iOS (or other email clients) can use the following steps to resolve any issues.

  1. Go to Settings → EMail → Choose Your Seton Hall Account.

  2. Select Delete Account.

  3. Select Add Account and Choose “Microsoft Exchange”.

  4. Sign in with your PirateNet Credentials to add your University Mailbox back in to Outlook. Your mail client should now reconnect to the Exchange servers using the modern authentication method.

  5. If you are still experiencing issues, you may need to update your device to the latest version of iOS. Alternatively, you may download the mobile version of Outlook for both android and iOS. Outlook will work and is unaffected by this change.