Revert Your Default Web Browser in Outlook

Microsoft has made Microsoft Edge the default browser for opening web links in Microsoft Outlook. Web links now open right alongside the email they’re from in the Microsoft Edge sidebar pane. This change is designed to provide users with a more seamless experience between email and web content in a single, side-by-side view.

If you prefer that web links open in your chosen default web browser, instead of Microsoft Edge, you can adjust your Outlook settings by following the steps below:

  1. From you Microsoft Outlook home screen, select the File menu in upper-left hand corner. Then, choose Options from the left-hand panel.


  2. Select Advanced from the Outlook Options menu.


  3. In Advanced options, scroll down to the File and browser preferences section. You will see an option labeled Open hyperlinks from Outlook in:. From the dropdown menu, you can select either Microsoft Edge or Default Browser.

    1. If you select Microsoft Edge, then web links will continue to open in Microsoft Edge.

    2. If you select Default Browser, then web links will open in your default web browser of choice. (i.e. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.)


  4. Once you make your selection, be sure to select the “OK” button to save changes.


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