Add a Safe Sender in Outlook

Add a Safe Sender in Outlook

To ensure important emails don’t get marked as spam or junk, you can add trusted senders to your Safe Senders List in Outlook. This guarantees that emails from these senders will always appear in your inbox.

Steps to Add a Safe Sender in Outlook

  1. Launch the Outlook application on your computer.

  2. Click on the Home tab in the ribbon, then select Junk from the toolbar and then click Junk Email Options.

    Red box around the Junk Email Options button on the Junk icon menu.

  3. In the Junk Email Options dialog box, click the Safe Senders tab.

  4. Add a New Sender:

    • Click Add.

    • Enter the email address or domain you want to mark as safe (e.g., example@domain.com or @domain.com).

    • Click OK to save.

      Red box around the Safe Sender tab on the Junk Email Options dialog box and the add button.

  5. Enable Trusted Domains (optional): Check the box for “Also trust email from my Contacts” to automatically mark emails from your saved contacts as safe.

  6. Click OK to exit the Junk Email Options window.

  1. Log into PirateNet using your Seton Hall credentials.

  2. Search for and click on the Microsoft Outlook app.

  3. Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.

  4. On the settings menu, go to Mail > Junk email.

  5. Add a Safe Sender:

    • Under the Safe senders and domains section, click Add.

    • Enter the email address or domain (e.g., example@domain.com or @domain.com).

    • Press Enter or click Save.

  6. Close the settings menu.


  • If you frequently miss emails from a trusted source, adding their domain (e.g., @domain.com) instead of their individual address ensures all emails from that domain are treated as safe.

  • Periodically review your Junk Email folder to ensure no important messages are being filtered incorrectly.