W.W. Norton Publishing

W.W. Norton Publishing allow instructors to integrate ebooks, learning content, and assessments into Canvas. These assessments integrate in a way that allows the grades students receive in W.W. Norton to be automatically synced back into the Canvas gradebook.

W.W. Norton can integrate in two ways:

  1. Enable Norton as an app in your course

    1. Log into your Canvas account, then select Settings > Apps on your course navigation menu. Then, find and add W.W. Norton from the list of External Apps.

  2. Add integrated links

    1. Option A: Individual Activity Link Integration

    2. Option B: Product Home Page Integration

  3. Create a student set

  4. Test integration

  5. Grading and due dates

  1. Log into your W.W. Norton account.

  2. Click on the gear icon in the upper-right corner.

  3. Select Export Content to LMS from the dropdown.

  4. Select Canvas and click Next Step.

  5. Then, select Next Step. Do no select a student set from the dropdown menu unless you have custom assignments.

  6. From the Choose Assignments menu, select the assignments you would like to import. Then, click Next Step.

  7. On the next page, select the non-graded resource links you’d like to add, including individual ebook chapters, and click Generate Common Cartridge.

  8. Click Download Common Cartridge. Do not open the file. You will import it into your Canvas course in the following steps.

  9. Log into PirateNet using your Seton Hall credentials. Then, click on the Canvas app.

  10. Navigate to the Canvas course where you’d like to import content. Then, click on Settings in the left menu.

  11. In the right-hand tool panel, select Import Course Content.


  12. From the dropdown menu, select Common Cartridge 1.x Package.

  13. Select Choose File and locate the .imscc file you downloaded from the Digital Landing Page.

  14. In the Content field, select All content. Then, click the Import button.

  15. After the import is complete, check your Modules area for non-graded resources and check your Assignments area for graded links.

  16. To activate the links in Canvas, click on any Assignment link and follow the immediate prompts to create a student set. This must be completed to activate the links. View this video for instructions on this process.

Reporting error messages

Copy the text from any error message box and/or take a screenshot and send it to W. W. Norton LTI Support, LTIsupport@wwnorton.com. You will then be contacted by a support specialist who will assist you with further troubleshooting.

Please note: you will need a previously created W.W. Norton account to access any online material. The integration requires additional setup, so reach out to your W.W. Norton textbook representativeStudents will need to purchase an access code.

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