
Cengage integrates with Canvas to provide seamless access to educational products, such as WebAssign and MindTap. Cengage's integration with Canvas simplifies the process of incorporating Cengage materials into your Canvas courses, streamlining content delivery, assignments, and assessments.

Cengage WebAssign

Cengage WebAssign is publisher content in specific disciplines such as pre-calculus, calculus, chemistry, physics, and decision sciences. This published content can be integrated into your Canvas course to enable student engagement, while also passing grades back to your Canvas gradebook.

Create a New Canvas-Integrated WebAssign Course

To get started, view the video tutorial on creating a new Canvas-integrated WebAssign course, or follow the steps below:

  1. Open your Canvas course.

  2. Add the Cengage app to your course navigation if it is not already listed.

    1. From the course navigation, click Settings > Navigation.

    2. Drag the Cengage app to the course navigation.

    3. Click Save.

  3. From the course navigation, click Cengage.

  4. If prompted, sign in to your Cengage instructor account to link your Canvas and Cengage accounts.

    If you don't have a Cengage instructor account, click Create Account.

  5. Click Add Homework Platform.

  6. Select the textbook or product you want to use from the available course content.

    • To search the available content, type a search term.

    • To see only WebAssign results, click Filter and set Filter By to WebAssign.

    • To filter the list by license type, click Filter and set the dropdown to Student Purchase Required or Inclusive Access.

    • To select an item, click Link to Course.

    The selected title is shown with WebAssign course creation and linking options.

  7. Select Create a new WebAssign course.

  8. Complete the details for your WebAssign course. Then, click Continue.

  9. Click the link to your WebAssign course.

    First time only: Confirm that Canvas can access your account. If prompted, read and accept the service agreement.

Deep Linking Assignments and Grade Synchronization

Use the Content Selector to choose which assignments to deep link to your LMS course, which grades to sync to your gradebook, and how to add a deep link to the etextbook (when available). Deep linked assignments will take students directly into the assignment in WebAssign from your LMS course. To get started, view this video tutorial on deep linking assignments and grades.


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