Oxford Learning Link

Oxford Learning Link provides students with direct access to the rich content available with Oxford University Press's Higher Education teaching and learning resources, including interactive audio-visual learning activities as well as assessment tools. To integrate Oxford Learning with Canvas, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the Canvas course where you wish to use Oxford resources.

  2. Create a new module for your Oxford resources.

    1. Click the +Module button in the upper right-hand corner.

    2. Label the new module, then click Add Module.

    3. Click the grey slashed circle to change the module from unpublished to published. This will allow students to access it.

  3. Once your new module has been created, click + located at the top of the new module screen.

  4. Select External Tool from the drop-down menu, then choose Oxford Learning.

  5. When you select Oxford Learning, a screen will load that shows all of the products to which you have access. If you would like to explore more products, you can browse instructor resources on the Oxford Learning Link site.

  6. Locate and click on the name of the product from which you would like to import resources.

    1. If you wish to import Test Banks for their titles natively into Canvas you will need to import these separately via the Test Bank course package (where available).

      Note: While instructors can add resources from any product to which they have access, students will NOT be able to access instructor-only resources and will need to purchase or redeem access to any student resources.

  7. In the Resource selection tool, use the tag navigation on the left to choose one or more classes of resource to view and select. Resources are arranged by resource location (i.e., book chapter) and by resource type (i.e, flashcards, chapter quizzes, etc.). Make sure to check all of the boxes next to the Resources that you wish to import into your course.


  8. The selected resources will be added to the module. Any assignable materials should have grade book items created.

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