

25Live is the University's web-based event publishing, calendaring and scheduling solution. Users can request use of space on the South Orange campus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Any employee or faculty with valid PirateNet credentials can request space using 25Live.

  • Only recognized student clubs and/or organizations can request space using the 25Live system.

  • Scheduling space is self-service.  The Reservations Center cannot create the reservation for you.

Classroom and Event Scheduling

All classes are scheduled through Academic Services and any resource request (e.g., audio-visual equipment, etc.) can be requested through the Media Services Request Form.

Technical Requirements

You need Internet connectivity to access 25Live. The browser you are using may impact the quality of your experience. It is recommended that you use Mozilla's Firefox browser (version 3 or higher) or Google's Chrome browser.

User Resources