McGraw-Hill Connect

McGraw-Hill Connect

McGraw-Hill Connect is fully integrated with Canvas to allow for seamless access to content and learning tools as well as automatic grade syncing. Students can also log in directly to their Connect text through Canvas. To get started, first set up your McGraw-Hill Connect section in Connect. Once completed, follow the steps below to integrate Connect with Canvas.

Set up the Canvas Connection

  1. Login to Canvas 

  2. Go into Modules in the left navigation. Then, click on the 3 dots to add assignments to one of your existing module. 

  3. Select McGraw Hill Connect LTIA.

    More options dropdown menu with a red box around McGraw Hill Connect LTIA.


  4. Click Pair with a Connect Section.

  5. When prompted, log into your Connect account.

  6. Choose Pair with existing Connect course.

    McGraw Hill Connect dialog box with a red box around the option to pair with existing Connect course.


  7. Locate the Connect section you want to pair with and click Select.


  8. Once you have selected your chosen Connect section, click Go to Section Home.


  9. Select the assignments you want to deploy.

  10. Click the stack icon and select Deploy/manage.


  11. Select the option to set the grade type in bulk or individually. Once completed, click the Deploy button.

Upon completion of these steps, you will see the deployed assignments under the corresponding module as well as in Assignments. Should you need to rearrange the order or move the assignment to a different module, click on the dots to the left of the assignment.

Remember to publish the assignments. A gradebook column is automatically created for each non-zero point assignment in the course.