
Perusall fosters student engagement through collaborative annotation of readings via threaded discussions, enabling students to interact and respond to each other's comments. Comments are automatically graded and can be passed back to Canvas assignments.

Add Perusall to your Canvas Course

Perusall will appear automatically appear as an option on the left navigation menu in Canvas. Click the menu option to launch into your Perusall course.

  1. If you do not see the menu option, add it by navigating in Canvas to Settings > Navigation.

  2. Click the three dots to the right of Perusall, and select Enable.

  3. Then, drag the Perusall option to the list of active navigation options. The option may be found toward the bottom of the list.

Sync Perusall with your Canvas Course

Roster Sync

Each time you launch Perusall from Canvas, a roster sync will run in the background.  Any students that have been added to your course will be added to your Perusall course roster (under the Students tab), and any that have unenrolled will be removed from the course.

Group Sync

  1. Access Canvas group sync by navigating to your Perusall course settings, then select Grouping.

  2. Select Specify groups, and then click Import Groups from Canvas. This will trigger a pop-up window allowing you access to your Canvas group sets. 

  3. Select one group set to apply to your Perusall course. 

Note: If you make any changes to your grouping in Canvas, you will need to import groups from Canvas again to see the updates.

Grade Sync

  1. Launch Perusall from Canvas.

  2. Select Settings > Scoring > Grade sync to LMS > Automatically sync students' average scores to LMS.

  3. Click Save changes.

  1. Launch Perusall from Canvas.

  2. Select Settings > Scoring > Grade sync to LMS > Automatically sync students'  scores to LMS

  3. Click Save changes.

(For more information, see Perusall grade sync in LTI 1.3.)

Assignment Sync

You can create graded Canvas assignments that are deep links (assignment-specific links) into the corresponding Perusall assignment. Or, you can create deep links to your Perusall course library items and assignments without syncing them to your Canvas gradebook.

  1. Launch Perusall from Canvas.

  2. Navigate to Settings > Scoring > Grade Sync to LMS > LMS gradebook column management

  3. Select Instructor creates deep links in LMS; no Perusall gradebook columns will appear in LMS until deep links have been created. With this option selected, Perusall will not automatically create and manage gradebook columns in your LMS. Instead, Perusall will send student scores back to the gradebook columns that your LMS creates for the deep links you set up within the LMS.

  4. Click Save Changes.

  5. Then, create your assignment in Perusall.

  6. Navigate to the assignment creation page in Canvas.

  7. In the Submission Type field, select External tool.

  8. Click Find, then click the blue magnifying glass next to Perusall.

  9. Perusall will present you with a list of assignments that you have created in your Perusall course. Select the one that matches with the corresponding Canvas assignment.

  1. Navigate to Modules in Canvas and click "+" next to your desired Module.

  2. In the new window, select Add External Tool, then click Perusall.

  3. Perusall will present you with a list of assignments you have created in your Perusall course, as well as documents from your course library. Select your desired item.
    • The URL should automatically fill with the following URL:
    • The page name will be the name of your document/assignment.

  4. Enable load in a new tab.

  5. Click Add Item, then publish it to make it accessible to your students.

Import Canvas Pages and Files

You can import a Canvas Page or document into Perusall by navigating to Course home > Library > Add content. Then, select Page from Canvas or Document from Canvas.

Note: Similar to uploading documents from websites, Perusall imports a "snapshot" of the Canvas Page as it exists at the time of import. If you later change the Page in Canvas, that change will not be reflected in Perusall. You can also delete the Page in Canvas without affecting the content in Perusall.

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