Customize Course List in the Card View Dashboard

Customize Course List in the Card View Dashboard

If you are enrolled in multiple courses, you can customize which courses appear in your Course List by selecting favorite courses. Any published course listed in the "My Courses" section of the course list page or in the Card View Dashboard can be marked as a favorite.

If no courses are marked as favorites, the Course List will automatically display up to 20 courses in alphabetical order by default. This order cannot be manually changed. However, once you favorite at least one course, only your favorited courses will be shown in the Course List.

  1. In Global Navigation, click the Courses link [1], then click the All Courses link [2]. 

  1. To favorite a course, click the star next to a course [1]. Filled stars show that the course is a favorite [2]. 

  • After you have manually favorited at least one course, Canvas automatically favorites any new published course enrollments for you. 

  • Only active courses can be favorited. 

  1. If a course is unpublished and you are allowed to view unpublished courses before the course participation dates, you cannot favorite the course. If you hover over a star icon for an unpublished course, you can view a message indicating that the course cannot be added as a favorite. 

  • You cannot favorite future and past enrollments. 

  1. It’s possible that you may still be able to view your concluded courses under the Past Enrollments heading [1]. However, a favorited course is not automatically removed as a favorite when the course concludes. 

  • If a past enrollment course still shows as a favorite, you can unfavorite the course by clicking the star icon [2].