Find Courses Using 25Live

Find Courses Using 25Live

All users, regardless of access, can find course locations in 25Live.

  1. Navigate to PirateNet and sign in using your Seton Hall credentials.

  2. Search for and click on the SHU Portal app.

  3. Use the top navigation to locate the link to 25Live’s search tool.

    • Students can access 25Live’s search tool under the Technology Tab.

    • Faculty and staff can access 25Live’s search tool under the Resources tab.

      25Live nav menu.png


  4. Scroll down to the “Search Events” field.

  5. Enter the course subject code, course number and course section (i.e., ELMP 7777 NA).
    Please note, there needs to be a space between each component of the course ID.

    Search Event Field - 25Live.jpeg


  6. Click the Search button.

  7. In the top right corner of your search results, click Future to drill down to upcoming courses only.

  8. Locate your course in the results listing. The course location will be available in the Locations column.