Install SPSS for Windows

After filling out the software request form and your request has been processed you will receive an email message with a download link and license code.

  1. Click the link provided in the request ticket email to access the download page.

  2. On the SPSS Download website select the link for Windows 64-bit version - right click and select the option to save/download to download the installer file. (If you get a message that the file can’t be downloaded securely select the up arrow next to the word Discard and select the option “keep”.)

  3. Once the download is completed navigate to where you saved the file and select the .exe file.

  4. If you get a User Account Control alert asking Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device? from the IBM SPSS Statistics program select the Yes option.

  5. Installer will launch.

  6. On the first screen select the Next > button.

  7. On the License Agreement screen read through the license agreement terms, select the I accept the terms of the license agreement and then select the Next > button. If additional screens appear asking to accept terms select the I accept the terms in the license agreement selection on all additional screens and select the Next > button.

  8. On the Destination Folder screen select the Next > button without changing installation location.

  9. On the Ready to Install the Program screen select the Install button to install the software.

  10. When software is installed successfully leave the Start IBM SPSS Statistics now selection actively checked off and select the Finish button.  Application will then automatically launch.

License Activation of IBM SPSS Statistics

Please note, you must have an active internet connection to perform this process.  You will only be required to activate license once.

  1. The IBM SPSS Statistics Licensing screen will open, on first screen select the Next > button.

  2. On Product Activation screen select the Authorized user license … option (should default to that option) and select Next > button.

  3. On the Enter Codes screen enter the license code that was provided previously in the original email message and then select “Add” and then select Next > button.

  4. On the Internet Authorization Status screen you will see a message that the code was processed. If successful, select the Next > button.

  5. On Licensing Completed screen you will see details of time frame for active license. Select the Finish button to complete activation.

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