Canvas FAQs for Faculty

Canvas FAQs for Faculty

For best performance, Use the current version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari. View more information about supported browsers.

Log into PirateNet using your Seton Hall credentials. Then, search for and click on the Canvas chiclet.  

The global navigation menu is located on the far left-side of the screen and is visible from all pages. It contains links to your profile, dashboard, courses, calendar, inbox, history, and help.

For more information about navigating Canvas, watch the Canvas walkthrough video on Global Navigation or read more about the Global Menu.

Your Canvas Dashboard is the first area you will see when you log into Canvas. The Dashboard provides a clear view of the activity happening in your current courses.

Your Canvas Dashboard will display course cards for quick access to all of your favorite courses. To view all courses, click Courses on the left menu, then click All Courses.

To favorite a course and add it to your dashboard view, click the Star icon next to a course. Learn how to customize your dashboard.