Export Grades from Gradebook

You can export scores from the Gradebook and download them to your computer as a CSV file. The Gradebook CSV assignment columns display in the same order as shown in the Gradebook for an individual user. 

When downloading grade information for record retention, keeping that information on your desktop is not a good idea. Seton Hall University uses OneDrive for online file storage. OneDrive meets all university standards for security and privacy, including HIPAA and FERPA. Therefore, securely storing Canvas grades in OneDrive is important for academic record-keeping.  

  1. In Course Navigation, click the Grades link. 

  2. Click the Export button. 

  1. Click the Export Current Gradebook View link. 

  1. If you are using grading periods and want all grading periods included in your CSV file, click the Export Entire Gradebook link. 

When the export is completed, Canvas downloads the CSV file automatically to your computer. If you navigate away from the page during the export, the CSV file will appear as a previous download in the Actions menu so it can be downloaded again. The Gradebook will show the date and time you requested the export.

previous export canvas gradebook.png

If you made changes to the Gradebook after exporting a file and want to export a new file, click the Export link again.

Note: Gradebook export files include the date and time of the download to differentiate between multiple exports. The export filename format is YYYY-MM-DDTHHMM, followed by the course name.

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