Export Course Content

Export Course Content

You can export a Canvas course to share with another Canvas instructor, to upload at a later date, or to create a copy as a backup on your local computer. You can import an export file into Canvas at any time.

Exports are packaged as IMSCC ZIP files, which can only be opened by programs that support Common Cartridge files. You can also change the extension from .imscc to .zip and treat it as any other ZIP file.  


  • Canvas exports do not include backups of student interactions and grades. Grades can be exported separately as a comma separated values (CSV) file.

  • Some external app LTI tools, such as Office 365, do not retain tool configurations in exported courses. You may consider copying the course instead.

  • Canvas does not support course export files over 50 GB. Courses over 50 GB in size will not export and will display an error message when you attempt to export.

  1. In Course Navigation, click the Settings link.

  2. Click the Export Course Content link.

  3. In the Export Type heading, click the Course radio button.

  4. Click the Create Export button.

  5. View the progress bar. Exporting a course in Canvas may take a few minutes, depending on its size. You will receive an email when the export is complete. If you have previously exported the course, Canvas will display prior exports under the Content Exports heading.

    export content progress bar.png


  6. When your download is ready, click the New Export link.

    new export.png


    Note: Content exports expire after 30 days and can no longer be downloaded.