Update Assignment Due Dates and Availability Dates

Depending on how you have designed your course, you may need to adjust your assignment due dates, your assignment availability dates, or both.

Edit Assignment and Availability Dates

  1. From the Canvas course, click on Assignments in the course navigation menu.

    Canvas navigation menu with a red arrow pointing to Assignments.
  2. On the Assignments page, click the Options ellipsis (three vertical dots), then select Edit Assignment Dates.

    Red arrow pointing to the three vertical dots icon and a red box around the Edit Assignment Dates button.
  3. You can view and manage assignment information on the Edit Assignment Dates page. All graded items in your course – including assignments, discussions and quizzes – are listed in the Title column. Current assignment due dates (if any) display in the Due At column, and current availability dates (if any) display in the Available From and Available Until columns.

    Edit Assignment Dates display screen.
  4. Adjust dates for each individual assignment, or adjust assignment dates in bulk.

    1. Adjust in bulk by checking the box to the left of each assignment name and clicking Batch Edit in the upper right corner.

      Red arrow pointing to the Batch Edit button and a red box around the checked off assignments.


    2. Shift all dates by a certain number of days or remove dates altogether, then click Ok.

      Batch edit date display screen with the radio button defaulted to the shift dates options.


  5. After editing, click Save at the top right to save updated dates.

    Edit Assignment Dates page displaying the save button.


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